Friday, December 01, 2006

Warren Buffett Quotes..

"Associate with people who are better than you. Marry up, employ up, work for your heroes. Associations rub off. Tell me your heroes, I’ll tell you how you’ll turn out. "

"Ben Graham’s success exercise.
Take one hour. Think of the one classmate who you’d like to own 10% of for the rest of their life. 10% of all of their future income. What do you think about? The person who others admire and want to work with. Person who works hard and gives others credit. It’s simple. Select those qualities for yourself.

Now the fun part: who would you want to short? The guy who turns other people off.
Qualities are chosen.

Ben Graham did that. Wrote everything on a piece of paper and developed habits. You will find that you can attain or get rid of qualities accordingly. "

Warren Buffett and the Chicago Graduate School of Business
by Aquamarine Fund Diary

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